Transforming Athlete Evaluation

Where AI meets athletic performance

Core Technologies

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Motion Capture Technology

Records physical movements with high frame rate cameras for precise athletic analysis.

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Wearable Sensors

Sensors worn to track and collect data on various metrics such as heart rate, acceleration, strain, and distance.

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Optimized Data Architecture

A scalable and efficient architecture that processes large volumes of data to deliver detailed insights.

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AI Model

Leveraging an open source model fine-tuned on our proprietary database, this model functions as a personal trainer.

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The Next Generation of Performance Evaluation

Our in-depth reports provide comprehensive biomechanical analysis for athletes, showcasing the efficiency and effectiveness of their movements. These detailed evaluations allow athletes to have a digital resume which serves as a reference point during training sessions and enhances recruitment opportunities.

Recruitment Edge
Prevent injuries and improve performance with data driven insights.
Personalized Training
Tailor programs to boost performance and prevent injuries.

AI-Powered Performance Insights

Using our proprietary database, ClearKreak’s AI model will deliver comprehensive insights and personalized recommendations for training, injury prevention, and performance optimization. All this is accessible through a user-friendly interface.

24/7 AI Trainer Access
Leverage around-the-clock support and guidance from our AI trainer, ensuring you have the assistance you need, whenever you need it.
Proactive Injury Prevention
Benefit from advanced AI analysis that identifies potential injury risks, helping you stay healthy and in top form.
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Where Performance Meets Precision

ClearKreak combines AI technology with precise, data-driven insights to empower athletes. Our goal is to enhance performance, prevent injuries, increase recruitment opportunities, and unlock athlete's full potential through personalized training solutions.


How Clearkreak Works

Through motion capture analysis, artificial intelligence, and year-over-year performance tracking, ClearKreak builds an athletic profile tailored to each individual athlete, providing answers to all training-related questions.

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Biomechanical Scan
Athlete Profile
AI Trainer
Specific Insights

With ClearKreak, you gain access to our 24/7 AI Trainer, customized specifically for you.

Start Improving Today